Indoor Bowls
Thursday Indoor Bowls
Danny Moore
Phone: 021 115 5936
David James
Phone: 027 411 1007
Play is every Thursday night of the season which runs from March—September. We have fun Club Nights but we also have Club Championships and reciprocal visits to Dannevirke Club, Levin Cossie, Lions Club, Whanganui Club.
We are an affiliated Club, so this enables members to play in Association, Centre & Chartered Club events if desired.
New members are most welcome & coaching is available if required. We are a very friendly adjunct with all abilities of play and a very mixed age group.
Adjunct Annual fee is $15.00.
Wednesday Indoor Bowls
Stuart Riddell
Phone: (06) 3546907
Played each Wednesday afternoon, names in by 1:15pm. Play from 1:30-3:30pm.
New players are welcome, no experience necessary, coaching available if wanted. Luncheons are held twice a year for financial members.
Played all year round, this is a friendly enjoyable afternoon.
Adjunct Annual fee $5
$2 per day