Email: cossiepunt@gmail.com
Natalie: 027 428 0160
Tania: 021 248 8288
The racing adjunct cost $5.00 per week per person. All participant entry money is pooled together and used as a betting fund to bet on racehorses every Saturday by the
selected member for that week who places bets on behalf of the Punters Club. The club members share the winnings and losses, and enjoy the thrill of watching the races together. Of course, there are a few rules to be aware of—please see below.
The club also organises a trip to the races and get-togethers on Melbourne Cup Day and nominated Saturdays. The Punters Club is a great way to socialise with friends, have fun, and maybe win some money along the way
Come join the excitement.
Payment is $5.00 per week - it is up to you how much you pay in but you must be at least two weeks in advance
Place your money with completed slip provided into a plastic bag and deposit in the box provided
Receipts will be posted on the Punters notice board
Any member not paid up in full by the stipulated time will be struck off with no right to payout or reimbursement of payments made
If any member withdraws or is "scratched" from the competition waives their right to payout or reimbursement of payments made - unless under extenuating circumstances
The draw list and date of betting will be posted on the Punters notice board
Please let the organisers know if you are unable to bet on your designated day
The designated member will have $100.00 to invest on Saturday race meetings - minimum $5.00 per bet unless making up to the $100.00
Please give your bet tickets to the bar staff who will photocopy your bets - bet ticket copies will be posted on the Punters notice board with the barcode crossed out and original bet tickets will be placed in the Punters box